
Funeral Director Information

We assist our funeral partners throughout the UK to provide an easy and simple solution to handling charitable donations – card and cheque collections. It works for any charity your family may nominate.

Our aim is to drive the number of Gift Aided donations to increase the amount charities receive from in memoriam donations. We charge a fee per donation but not for Gift Aid.

Memory Giving saves you time, it’s free & charities receive more - we understand your business and know that Memory Giving has the flexibility to work within your current working practice. We can talk to your website provider to integrate the functionality and personalise the delivery to your families.

We do not permit advertising or use of any personal data for any other purpose than allowing the charity to thank the family and for HMRC to process the Gift Aid where necessary.

Charity Information

Memory Giving is a secure online website that specialises in donations in memory of a loved one. The easy and simple solution we provide for our funeral partners to handle their charitable donations, in turn, assists our charity partners throughout the UK.

Once a funeral partner creates a bespoke in memory page, Memory Giving does the rest. For charities, we pass on the funds quickly, process gift aid claims which are paid straight into your bank account from HMRC, thank the donors and create reports enabling you to thank the family. All of this helps to reduce overall administration tasks and costs.

Our main aim for charities is to drive the number of Gift Aid donations to increase the amount received from in memory donations. There are no registration/usage fees for Memory Giving and although we charge a fee per donation, this does not apply for Gift Aid.

We do not permit advertising, however registered charities show their logo and core message on each collection page. This is an opportunity to link your message and aims alongside the tributes and memories of those who make the donations.