Roger Vernall

Passed away on 11 June 2024, aged 76 years.

We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to this beneficiary, please follow the link to their website:

Please leave any donations here in memory of Mr. Roger Vernall for Ashgate Hospice. B Hattersley & Sons make no charge for this service, nor do they receive any commission. 

Page Closed on 01 August 2024

Ashgate Hospicecare


£45.00 + £10.69 Gift Aid

Alan and Mary Chadwick

In memory of cousin Roger who will be sadly missed.

£25.00 + £5.94 Gift Aid
online donation

Margaret and Peter Hill

In memory of a dear cousin who shared our love of football. Although we didn't see each other too often we remember happy times by the sea in Grimsby and walking with Bruno. Roger will be sadly missed.

£20.00 + £4.75 Gift Aid
online donation

Funeral Service

Date & Time: Thursday 04 Jul 2024 at 10:00 AM

Location: Church of the Annunciation, Annunciation R C Church, Spencer Street, Chesterfield, UK, S40 4SD


B Hattersley & Sons

01246 232820