John Leslie Ball 'Les'
Page Closed on 22 April 2019
Motor Neurone Disease Association
Learn more about us
The Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association is the only national organisation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland dedicated to the support of people with MND and everyone who cares for them.
We improve care and support for people with MND, their families and carers and fund and promote research that leads to new understanding and treatments, and brings us closer to a cure for MND. We also campaign and raise awareness so the needs of people with MND and everyone who cares for them are recognised and addressed by wider society.
Our vision is a world free from MND.
To find out more visit
Charity Registration No. 294354
£165.00 + £7.13 Gift Aid
Rita and Philip
A real character and a lovely man. RIP
online donation
I donate this small amount for MND. I did not know Leslie but I know all about you from your twin sister Julia. You battled long and hard you were a lovely man and now you can rest in peace. Love from Sylvia Greenlees
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Mark & Andrea
Out of pain now God Bless Love you Les Your loving Sister & Hubby xxxxxx R.I.P
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Gina Warburton
Rest in peace Les goodnight xx
£10.00 + £2.38 Gift Aid
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Cheers Les, you gave us some great laughs.
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Linda Lee
I have enjoyed our friendship Les and will miss you very much
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John & Margaret Aitken
Happy memories of a kind man. Xx
£20.00 + £4.75 Gift Aid
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Margaret Fullalove
You were always nice to me during your long illness but faught long and hard so am so relieved your at peace now Les. From your loving friend Margaret
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Carole Wright
Rest in peace Les it was a privelidge to have known you X
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Bernadette Petterson
In memory of my wonderful lottie friend and partner in crime. Love you grumpy x
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Independent Family Owned Funeral Directors