James William Runnalls

Passed away on 04 July 2021, aged 35 years.

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Page Closed on 06 September 2021

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Royal Cornwall Hospitals Charity

Cornwall Mind


£450.00 + £61.78 Gift Aid

Deborah Clark

What an amazing person and such a big loss for us all.

£25.00 + £5.94 Gift Aid
online donation
Cornwall Mind

Lisa Runnalls and Ryan Thomas

You touched the hearts of many, adored by your family and friends and missed so greatly.  There is a hole in our lives which will never be filled.  Fly high brother and we will see you again xxxx

online donation
Royal Cornwall Hospitals Charity

Lisa Runnalls and Ryan Thomas

There aren't enough words to express my despair and profound sadness from losing you.  You were my big brother, my comfort, my protector, my inspiration and my best friend.  We grew up together sharing so many memories.  I will feel this huge sense of loss forever. Rest in Peace dear brother, you'll never be forgotten xxx

online donation
Cornwall Mind

Ross Mitchell

Loads of love to the family x DJ Runnies, we'll miss your soundtrack but will be sure to party with you again some day :)

£25.00 + £5.94 Gift Aid
online donation
Cornwall Mind

Bob & Mary Booker

Really good friend to our daughter Charlie, such a sad loss.

£50.00 + £11.88 Gift Aid
online donation
Cornwall Mind

Mathew Hill

My best man. THE best man

online donation
Cornwall Mind

Anne Pewsey

I had the pleasure of working along side James. It was an honour to call him a friend. He made such a massive difference in so many lives by his kind, caring, calm and nurturing approach. He will never be forgotten and was adored by all who knew him. Deepest Condolences to his family.

£25.00 + £5.94 Gift Aid
online donation
Cornwall Mind


online donation
Cornwall Mind


online donation
Royal Cornwall Hospitals Charity

Karen Lewis

All my love xxx

online donation
Cornwall Mind

Charlie Booker

Jd (James) was one of my best friends. He was my football buddy and the one person who understood how I felt with my chronic illness. I looked up to him so much and the inspiration he gave me. I wish he believed me when I told him time and time again. Jd was a brilliant guy and someone I miss a lot. I love and miss you, Jd x

online donation
Royal Cornwall Hospitals Charity

Ann and Dave

It was such a privilege and pleasure to know you James. We have many fond memories of you and Lisa when you were growing up. We especially remember the racing car Ben passed onto you and Brian refurbished it, naming it, if we remember rightly, James 1. Much fun was had with that car. Our thoughts are with your Mum and Dad and Lisa.

£50.00 + £11.88 Gift Aid
online donation
Cornwall Mind

Ann and Dave

We have known James since he was born. He was kind, funny and really nice to be with. We will miss him very much.

£50.00 + £11.88 Gift Aid
online donation
Royal Cornwall Hospitals Charity


Rest in peace James. I had the pleasure of working with James and what a truly lovely and kind person he was, very proud to have called him my friend. Thinking of all of James' family and friends at this sad time.

£25.00 + £5.94 Gift Aid
online donation
Cornwall Mind

R J Bray & Son

01208 812626