Iain Dale

We are no longer able to accept donations via this page. If you would like to make an in memoriam donation to these beneficiaries, please follow the link to their website:

Page Closed on 11 August 2018

Donations have been requested for more than one charity. Please choose the one you wish to support by selecting the 'donate' button underneath the name. A form will open for you to make your donation and leave a message.

Dementia Research UK

*  Gift Aid will be collected on completion of registration with Memory Giving.

Alzheimer's Society

Warriors Community Foundation

*  We are unable to collect gift aid for this beneficiary.


£730.00 + £115.20 Gift Aid potential

Mike Spohrer

On behalf of donors sending cheques to Attwood Funerals.

online donation
Warriors Community Foundation

Mike Spohrer

On behalf of donors sending cheques to Attwood Funerals.

online donation
Alzheimer's Society

Mike Spohrer

On behalf of donors sending cheques to Attwood Funerals.

online donation
Dementia Research UK

Helen Bools

online donation
Alzheimer's Society


online donation
Warriors Community Foundation

Mary Morgan

A true friend to both Martyn and I and a sincerely wonderful person. You will always be remembered with a smile. Mary x

online donation
Warriors Community Foundation

janet pycraft

With fond memories of Iain. Jan and Mike Pycraft

online donation
Dementia Research UK

Alan Baker

We'll miss you.

online donation
Dementia Research UK

Chris & Jane Dunn

Iain, Can't believe we've lost you. Who is going to knock back that last craft beer in the fridge or finish the final slice of chocolate cake on the tray? And your puns..........so awful they were actually (sometimes) funny! We only met up about 20 years ago so never got to compete at soccer or cricket but your ability (according to you) was such that you would probably have wapped me. Prog rock - what was that about? Give me Joni Mitchell any day. You will be missed - big time!

online donation
Alzheimer's Society

Funeral Service

Date and Time: Wednesday 11 Jul 2018 at 11:00 AM

Location: Wyre Forest Crematorium & Cemetery, Stourport-on-Severn, UK, DY13 8DE


Date and Time: Wednesday 11 Jul 2018 at 12:30 PM

Location: Wharton Park Golf Club, Long Bank, Bewdley, UK, DY12 2QW


Attwood Funerals

Office: 01562 632081