Vicky Sturman

Passed away on 29 March 2024, aged 44 years.

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In Loving Memory

Page Closed on 30 April 2024

Lancashire MIND

*  Gift Aid will be collected on completion of registration with Memory Giving.


£292.88 + £48.19 Gift Aid potential


£30.00 + £7.13 Gift Aid
online donation

Victor van Dort

Coma back. Meet me on Spiral Hill so we can have more adventures together. I love you xxx

online donation

Mum and Dad

You'll be in our hearts forever, our girl, love you always xxxx

£100.00 + £23.75 Gift Aid
online donation

The other Mrs Prof Brian Cox

You lit up my world, you were my double, you drove me doolally, you got me into trouble, you were my nerdy twinny, you got me out of trouble, you helped me be me, you were in my crazy bubble. Since I met you at 8 years old I've loved you, and I always will. "The ones that love us never leave us. You can always find them" See you at Platform 9¾, amongst the stars x

£7.88 + £1.87 Gift Aid
online donation

Sarah Doherty

God bless you my lovely niece. Auntie Sarah.

online donation


£40.00 + £9.50 Gift Aid
online donation

Mod Kijko

I'm speechless, it's been a long time but Vicky was such a presence. I was so blessed to have known her for the time that I did and she will always be remembered. The world was sweeter with her smile and her laugh; we are so lucky to have lived in that world.

£25.00 + £5.94 Gift Aid
online donation

Drew Mara-McKay (Andy McKay)

It may be a long time since high school, but I have many great memories both in class and out, and that is how I will remember Vicky, forever 16.

online donation

J T Byrne Funeral Directors

01253 863 022